Abacanto Holding’s Investment Philosophy
Stewardship is the core of Abacanto Holding’s identity and mission. We are thoughtful stewards of clients’ resources as we strive to help them meet their individual objectives.
Process over Prediction
A common link that separates great athletic programs from merely good ones is process. Great programs are like a well-oiled machine. The program must be consistent, disciplined, and intense. A successful investment program is no different. The common link to all successful investors is that they are process oriented. Fiduciary law grasps process as the sound approach to managing investments because it is time tested and proven. There are a number of successful processes that are likely to generate better results for investors, institutions, and wealthy families and individuals alike.
The best investors are process oriented and realize they cannot consistently predict the future. Many unsuccessful investors, on the other hand, rely too much on predictions and timing the markets and not enough on process.
Portfolio Design
Abacanto Holding looks forward when evaluating the capital markets, including potential trends and changes in the global economy and asset class fundamentals and valuations. Using a thoughtful and methodical approach, Abacanto Holding designs investment portfolios on a forward-looking basis by combining client-specific objectives with our long-term projections for risk, returns, and asset class correlation.
Portfolio Risk Management
Abacanto Holding’s approach to downside risk is a differentiator from our competitors. We believe that effective portfolio construction starts with clients identifying their risk tolerance first, not striving for return objectives. We believe it is critical for clients to understand the volatility risks associated with their portfolio and be comfortable with that risk budget. Risk lies in the eyes of the beholder; no asset is ever truly and permanently “safe” or “risky.